College ID/Prospect Day

9th – 12th grade

August 30, 2025
9:00 am
3:00 pm
enrollRegistration closedpay online
About This Event

College ID/Prospect Day

August 30th


9th – 12th grade


Lally Athletic Complex

Syracuse University

Registration Form

Player information

Parent & Guardian Info

Health info

I have read and understand the preceding information. I know, understand and appreciate the risks associated with playing lacrosse and I am voluntarily participating in the activity. I assume all of the inherent risks of lacrosse, I understand in the event of a medical emergency, an EmS will be called to render assistance and that I will be financially responsible for any expenses involved.I further grant the Release Parties, the right to photograph and/or videtape me or my said child and further to display, use and.or otherwise exploit my child's name, face, likeness, voice and appearance forever and through the world, in all media, television, motion pictures, films, newspapers, magazianes, and websites) and in all forms including w.o limitation, digitized images, where for advertising, publicity, or promotional purposes, including, w/o limitations, publications of Event results and standings, or for any other purposes whatsoever, without com[ensation, reservation or limitation.

Insurance/Medical Info

We can not reference immunizations from past events, the University requires a new copy provided by parents for every event.
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Please specify any related conditions in the space provided.

If you list an injury or surgery in the past 6 months, we will need a letter of clearance from your doctor stating that your child is cleared to play. This can be a note, or a physical that has that wording on it. (Email to

I/We have read, understand and agree to comply with the Waiver of Liability. I agree to indemnify Syracuse University and its employees for any claim which may hereafter be presented by our (my) son/daughter. I hereby give permission to the medical personnel to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anesthesia or surgery for my child.

If paying offline, please make checks or cash payable to "Kayla Treanor Lacrosse LLC" in the amount listed above. Bring check to camp or mail check to Syracuse University one week prior to event at the following address:
Syracuse University
Lally Athletics Complex
ATTN: W. Lacrosse
Syracuse, NY 132441077 Comstock Avenue, Syracuse, New York 13244

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Meningococcal Meningitis is a bacterial illness affecting the brain. It can be spread by a cough, sneeze, kiss, sharing drinks, or by any other direct contact or airborne means of transportation. Therefore, students/campers residing in small areas, such as dormitories, are at an increased risk for contracting the illness.The signs and symptoms of Meningococcal Meningitis are similar to the common flu often making it hard to detect. The signs and symptoms include the following: high fever, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, headache, stiff neck/back, skin rashes, and confusion. Frequently, not all signs and symptoms occur, and the illness may progress rapidly. Treatment of Meningococcal Meningitis is antibiotic therapy.A vaccination is available, and is an effective way to help prevent Meningococcal Meningitis, although any vaccine is not an absolute guarantee. There are rarely side effects associated with this vaccination. Syracuse University summer camps will not provide the Meningitis vaccine. Contact your family care provider for information regarding availability and associated costs of the vaccination.I, the parent of legal guardian have received, reviewed, and understand the above information regarding Meningococcal Meningitis and my son/daughter has either received the immunization within the past 10 years preceding or has elected not to obtain the immunization against Meningococcal Meningitis.To the best of my knowledge this health history information is correct and the person herein described has my permission to engage in all camp activities, with the exception of any physical limitations as described. In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the medical personnel to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anesthesia, or surgeryfor my child as named above. I agree to indemnify Syracuse University and its employees for any claim which may hereafter be presented by our (my) son/daughter as a result of any such injuries.

Kayla Treanor, Inc. is not responsible for any injury (or loss or property) to any person suffered while playing, practicing, observing, or in any other way involved in the sport of lacrosse for any reason whatsoever, including ordinary negligence on the part of the above or their agents or employees. In consideration of my participation, I hereby covenant not to sue or any sponsor, their representatives, agents, employees, Board of Directors, officers, volunteers, referees, instructors, coaches or any other person or entity providing fields, property, services or assistance for any and all present or future claims resulting from any accident or ordinary negligence on the part of such persons or entities, for property damage, personal injury, or wrongful death, arising as a result of my participation in or receiving instruction in lacrosse activities or any activities incidental thereto, wherever, whenever or however the same may occur. I hereby voluntarily waive any and all claims resulting from ordinary negligence, both present and future, that may be made by all of the above persons or entities. I am aware that lacrosse is a vigorous sport involving severe cardiovascular stress and violent physical contact. I understand that lacrosse involves certain risks, including but not limited to; death, serious neck and spinal injury resulting in complete or partial paralysis, brain damage, and serious injury to virtually all bones, joints, muscles and internal organs and that equipment provided for my protection may be inadequate to prevent serious injury. In addition, I understand that participation in lacrosse involves activities incidental thereto, including, but not limited to, travel to and from the site of the activity, participation at sites that may be remote from available medical assistance, and the possible reckless conduct of other participants. I am voluntarily participating in this activity with the knowledge of the danger involved and hereby agree to accept any and all inherent risk property damage, personal injury or death. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless all of the above persons and entities for any and all claims arising as a result of my participation in or receiving instruction in lacrosse activities or any activities incidental thereto, wherever, whenever or however the same may occur. I understand that this waiver is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of New York and agree that if any portion is held invalid, the remainder of the waiver will continue in full legal force and effect, I further affirm that the venue and applicable law for any legal proceedings will be the State of New York. I affirm that I am of legal age (18) and am freely signing this agreement or my parent or legal guardian is signing it also. I have read and fully understand this agreement and that by signing this agreement I am giving up legal rights or remedies that may be available to me or the ordinary negligence of the above named parties. I agree to follow all of the camp rules and all rules of safety common to the sport of lacrosse. Further I agree to report any unsafe practices, conditions, or equipment to the management. I certify that 1) I possess a sufficient degree of physical fitness to safely participate in lacrosse, 2) I understand that I am to discontinue activity at any time I feel undue discomfort or stress, and 3) I will indicate below any health related conditions that might affect my ability to play lacrosse and I will immediately verbally inform the management if I feel any discomfort or stress.